Eyy, what's up - what's down? I have my final high school exams this week, and, after that, I'll be free to study anything I want. I already started looking into tensor products and metric spaces (I know, kinda unrelated), and I really hope I can upgrade the level of Maths on this blog by the end of summer. I really wish to learn more advanced Maths topics, so I could also do some neat Physics.
Anyways, before my final exams, I thought that I should post something fun, in case I don't make it lmao. So here are my picks for this article! Of course, they are linear algebra problems, but I promise I will soon change the topic. As much as I'd love linear algebra (it's my favourite part of Mathematics at the moment), this blog is called 'Cris's Science Blog', not 'Cris's Linear Algebra Blog'.
The first problem comes from an Excellence Test from Timisoara. I was searching through some old Mathematical magazines of mine, and I found a remarkable number from the RMT (Revista Matematica Timisoara, the Mathematical Magazine of Timisoara), the one made for the 2017 Maths Olympiad. Of course, it brought back memories, since that was my brightest year. That particular number was dedicated to the memory of one of the greatest Mathematics teachers Romania ever had, Gheorghe Eckstein.
This problem looks like an X and O with matrices. Suppose you have a \(2n * 2n\) matrix, that is 'empty' at first. Two players, A and B, take successive turns at writing numbers in the matrix. Once a number was written, it can't be erased. A wins if the determinant of the matrix isn't 0, while B wins if the determinant is 0. The question asks if there exists a strategy for which B always wins, no matter what A does.
Solution: After playing with my imaginary friends for a while, I figured out that there is, indeed, a strategy. Since the matrix doesn't involve any known numbers, it was safe to assume that the strategy consisted of doing something with the lines of the matrix.
Consider the first two lines of the matrix. If A puts a number \(x\) on the first line, B should put the same number right under it. By repeating this process, there will be two equal lines. Since the number \(2n\) is even, B will always be the one ending the process, and, thus, he will be in control of the determinant. It doesn't matter what A puts in the other lines; if A puts a number on one of the other lines, B can randomly put a number there, too. Eventually, A will be the one writing a number on one of the first lines, and B will duplicate that number.
The problem wasn't exactly hard, but it was a fun game. That's why I added the 'Intriguing Puzzles' tag.
Now comes a more scientific one. This one is taken from Evan Chen's 'Napkin'. I started studying University Maths from there, and I really recommend checking it out: http://web.evanchen.cc/napkin.html
Let V be a finite dimensional vector space, and let \(T: V->V\) be a linear map, and let \(T^n:V->V\) denote T applied n times. Prove that there exists an integer N such that \(V=Ker(T^N)⊕Im(T^N)\).
Solution: In order to talk about a direct sum, I want to prove that there is an N after which \(Ker(T^N)⋂Im(T^N)=Φ\). It is easy to see that, as N increases, the Kernel of the linear map increases, while the dimension decreases. Since V is finite dimensional, the dimension of the Kernel reaches a maximum, let's call it l. I want to prove that, after it reaches this maximum, the Kernel and the Image become distinct. Since the dimension of the Kernel remains the same, it is obvious that the Kernel will remain the same after iterations. Let N be the iteration of T for which the Kernel remains constant afterwards.
Let \(a\) be in both \(Ker(T^{N+1})\) and \(Im(T^{N+1})\). I want to prove that \(a=0\). We know that \(T^N(a)=O\), and, since a is in the image, we have that \(T^{2N+1}(b)=0\), for b, the pre-image of a. Thus, we know that b is in \(Ker(T^{2N+1})=Ker(T^{N})\). But, since \(T^{N+1}(b)=a\), we get that \(a=0\), exactly as we wanted, so we can talk about a direct sum.
Now, we know that \(dim (Ker(T^N) ⊕ Im(T^N)) = dim Ker(T^N) + dim Im(T^N) = dim V\), and, since the Kernel and the image are subspaces of V, we get that their direct sum is exactly V, as we wanted.
I found this problem rather interesting, and, from what I saw, it works as a lemma. I haven't tried writing this as actual vector spaces instead of abstract notations, but I might look into it. Until then, I have to study Literature for my exam on Monday. Wish me luck, and more posts are coming! At first, they'll still be Linear Algebra, but after a while, trust me, they'll become more diverse. Tune in next time for something completely random about matrices!
Equality in Sylvester's Inequality
A while ago, one of my good friends showed me the problems he had to solve at the National phase of the Traian Lalescu contest. The first problem seemed rather interesting, and, as the title says, it involves an equality for the Sylvester inequality. As you may know, the Sylvester inequality states that, for two matrices \(A\) and \(B\) in \(M_n(C)\), \(rank(AB)≧ rank(A)+ rank(B)-n\). In this article, I will prove that, for any matrix \(A\) in \(M_n(C)\), \(n≧2\) and for any polynomial \(f\) of degree \(m≧1\) with the free coefficient \(a\) different from 0, we have that \(rank(f(A)*A)=rank(f(A))+rank(A)-n\).
We know the fact that the rank of a matrix is the dimension of the image of the morphism associated with the matrix. By the dimension theorem, \((dim(Im (f(A)*A))+dim (Ker (f(A)*A))=n\), so \(dim(Ker (f(A)*A))=n-rank(f(A)*A))\), and, by using the dimension theorem for the other matrices and re-writing the equation in the conclusion, we need to prove that \(dim Ker(f(A)*A))=dim Ker (f(A))+dim Ker (A)\).
We shall now prove that \(Ker (f(A)*A)=KerA⊕Ker(f(A))\). First of all, let's prove that the direct sum between the two vector spaces exists. Let \(Z\) be an element of the Kernel of A different than 0. Thus, \(AZ=O\). Let m be the free coefficient of f. Thus, \(f(A)*Z=m*Z=O\) only if m is 0, which is false. Thus, no element of Ker(A) is in Ker(f(A)) other than the zero vector, so we can talk about a direct sum. We know that \(dim Ker A + dim Ker (f(A)) = dim (Ker A ⊕ Ker (f(A))\). Let us write \(W=Ker A⊕ Ker f(A)\).
We shall get back to proving that \(W=Ker(f(A)*A)\). Let \(Z=xX+yY\) be an element of W. We shall prove that it belongs to \(Ker(f(A)*A)\). \(f(A)*AZ=f(A)*A*(xX+yY)=f(A)*A*xX+A*f(A)*yY=O\), so we have proved that W is included in \(Ker(f(A)*A)\). Conversely, let \(Z\) be an element of \(Ker(f(A)*A)\). \(f(A)*A*Z=O\), so \(AZ\) belongs to Ker(f(A)). \(A*f(A)*Z=O\), so \(f(A)*Z\) belongs to \(Ker(A)\). Since \(AZ\) belongs to Ker(f(A)), \(f(A)*Z-aZ\) belongs to the Kernel, too. Using the assertion that we've proven earlier, that W is included in \(Ker(f(A)*A)\), we get that \(f(A)Z-f(A)*Z+aZ\) is included in \(Ker(f(A)*A)\), so \(Z\) is included, too, because m is different than 0. Thus, \(Ker(f(A)*A)\) is included in W, and this implies that W is equal to \(Ker(f(A)*A)\). This concludes the proof.
The problem in the contest was a bit different, because the polynomial the jury chose was f(A)=mI-A. The generalized problem that I solved is much more interesting though. I always wondered how to reach the equality in Sylvester's inequality, and this problem sheds some light on that. However, this isn't my biggest curiosity in the realm of linear algebra. Back in the 11th grade, I was so scared of failing at the Olympiad, that I started dreaming problems at night. Here's one that I have no idea how to solve: what is the number of nilpotent matrices of order n with all entries being either 0 or 1? Of course, for n odd, there are no such matrices, but what happens for even n? I asked a friend to make a computer program, so we could compute the number. We did n=2 and n=4, but n=6 would have taken a few days to compute, so we gave up. If you know the solution to the problem I dreamt, make sure to send me a link in the comments! Tune in next time, for something completely random!
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