Eyy there. I was gonna write an article about Markov matrices (which is almost complete, btw), but then, while scrolling through undergrad contests, I found a really neat solution for a problem at the CIIM from last year. The CIIM is a competition for Latin American undergrad students, similar to IMC, Putnam, Seemous and Traian Lalescu. From what I've seen, the problems are a bit harder than those at IMC, but, then again, my opinion isn't necessarily a very competent one. These are the problems (great for you if you know Spanish).
Today, we shall solve the first one (because you know I like matrices). For those that don't know Spanish, here's what it says:
Problem: Prove that there exists a \(2*2\) matrix of order 6 with rational entries, such that the sum of its entries is 2018.
Solution: Let \(A\) be a matrix with the required properties. Since \(A^6=I_2\), we get that \((A-I_2)(A+I_2)(A^2+A+I_2)(A^2-A+I_2)=O_2\). The minimal polynomial of \(A\) is, thus, one of those appearing in the decomposition, since \(A\) is rational. If \(A+I_2=O_2\), then the order of \(A\) is 2. If \(A-I_2=O_2\), then the order of \(A\) is 1. If \(A^2+A+I_2=O_2\), then \(A^3=I_2\). Thus, the only possibility is that \(A^2-A+I_2=O_2\), so \(Tr(A)=1\), \(det(A)=1\). Let \(a, b, c, d\) be the elements of \(A\), in that order. Thus, we know that \(a+d=1\), and \(ad-bc=1\). By writing \(d=1-a\), we get that \(a(1-a)-bc=1\), so \(a-a^2-bc=1\). We want to prove that there exist matrices with these properties such that \(a+b+c+d=2018\), which is equivalent to \(c=2017-b\). Thus, our end goal is proving that \(a-a^2-2017b+b^2=1\) has rational solutions.
Now, we shall write this as the equation of a hyperbola. \(\frac{1}{4}+a-a^2-2017b+b^2+2017^2=\frac{5}{4}+2017^2\), and, by multiplying by 4, we get that \((2b-4034)^2-(2a-1)^2=5+4*2017^2\). However, we know that any odd number can be written as a difference of squares (\(2k+1=(k+1)^2-k^2\), so there exist two real squares for which we get that conclusion. In fact, we can even calculate \(a\) and \(b\), but that is left as an exercise for the reader. Since we found that \(a\) and \(b\) exist, and we found all the rational entries of the matrix according to the rational numbers \(a\) and \(b\), we conclude that there is indeed a matrix with the required properties.
As a fun fact, initially, I made a calculation mistake. Instead of writing the equation as a hyperbola, I wrote it as the equation of a circle. Thus, I got that \((2b-4034)^2+(2a-1)^2=5+4*2017^2\). I do not know whether the above equation has rational solutions, but, while trying to solve it, I remembered of an old problem from Gazeta Matematica 11/2017, proposed by Marian Andronache, which shall be treated as a lemma:
Lemma: Let \(n\) be a natural number bigger than 1 with the sum of its divisors not divisible by 4. Prove that \(n\) can be written as the sum of two squares.
Proof: We shall use the well-known 'sum of two squares theorem', which states that a number can be written as a sum of two squares if and only if any prime divisor of the form \(4k+3\) appears in the decomposition at an even power. I won't get into details regarding the solution to this, but you can see a proof of this theorem here: https://www.math.uchicago.edu/~may/VIGRE/VIGRE2008/REUPapers/Bhaskar.pdf
Getting back to the lemma, let us presume by absurd that \(n\) can't be written as a sum of two squares. Thus, there is an odd number of apparitions of a prime number\(p_i\) of the form \(4m+3\). We know that the sum the divisors is \(S(n)=\prod_{k=1}^{w(n)} \frac{p_k^{a_k+1}-1}{p_k-1}\), where \(a_k+1\) is the power at which a prime number appears in the decomposition. The term from the product associated with \(p_i\) is equal to \(1+p_i+p_i^2+...+p_i^{a_i}\), and, because \(a_i\) is odd, we get that the sum is a multiple of 4, which contradicts our choice of \(n\). The sum is a multiple of 4, because \(p^{2k}\) is a multiple of 4 plus 1, while \(p^{2k+1}\) is a multiple of 4 plus 3, and we can group the terms together.
I was a bit sad to find out that the above lemma doesn't work on the problem. Indeed, the sum of all divisors of \(5+4*2017^2\) is a multiple of 4. It does, however, work on, for example, \(1+4*2017^2\). I was just 4 units away. The lemma that I wrote has some interesting applications, and I might search for some problems to solve using it for the next articles. Thinking about that, I haven't posted any number theory problem so far. I might post something after I'm done with the Markov matrices article. Tune in next time for some properties of stochastic matrices, or something completely random!
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